
Irrigation Department | LVIII of 2002 | Promulgation Date: 23-11-2002 | Year:2002
Board of Revenue | Act No. XI | Promulgation Date: 28-02-1957 | Year:1957
Industries, Commerce and Technical Education Department | Act No. II | Promulgation Date: 12-01-1973 | Year:1973
Industries, Commerce and Technical Education Department | Act No. XL | Promulgation Date: 07-12-2015 | Year:2015
Agriculture ,Livestock and Cooperation Department | Act No. II of 1966 | Promulgation Date: 22-12-1966 | Year:1966
Elementary and Secondary Education Department | Ordinance No. I of 1971 | Promulgation Date: 29-03-1971 | Year:1971
Local Government and Rural Development Department | Ordinance No. VIII of 1980 | Promulgation Date: 26-06-1980 | Year:1980
Total Records Found :7