
Revenue and Estate Department | Act No. X of 2021 | Promulgation Date: 05-05-2021 | Year:2021
Finance Department | ACT NO. VI OF 2021 | Promulgation Date: 03-02-2021 | Year:2021
Board of Revenue | Act No. XXVIII of 2022 | Promulgation Date: 12-06-2022 | Year:2022
Energy and Power Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | XXVI of 2001 | Promulgation Date: 02-10-2001 | Year:2001
Labour Department | Act No. XVI of 2013 | Promulgation Date: 20-03-2013 | Year:2013
Labour Department | ACT NO. XVI OF 2010 | Promulgation Date: 13-10-2010 | Year:2010
Agriculture ,Livestock and Cooperation Department | Act No. XLVII of 2022 | Promulgation Date: 23-12-2022 | Year:2022
Health Department | Act No. XVII of 2022 | Promulgation Date: 12-06-2022 | Year:2022
Industries, Commerce and Technical Education Department | ACT NO. XXXVI OF 2022 | Promulgation Date: 04-08-2022 | Year:2022
Industries, Commerce and Technical Education Department | ACT NO. XXXVIII OF 2022 | Promulgation Date: 31-08-2022 | Year:2022
Local Government and Rural Development Department | ACT NO. XLV OF 2022 | Promulgation Date: 13-10-2022 | Year:2022
Food | Act No. XXII | Promulgation Date: 05-04-1950 | Year:1950
Forest Department | Act No. XIX of 2002 | Promulgation Date: 10-06-2002 | Year:2002
Industries, Commerce and Technical Education Department | Act No. XXXV of 2022 | Promulgation Date: 03-08-2022 | Year:2022
Environment Department | Act No. XXXVIII | Promulgation Date: 11-12-2014 | Year:2014
Total Records Found :553